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2024-11-05 22:32:40 [知识] 来源:四川某某照明维修站





  Will there be traffic restrictions during this year‘s CIIE? 

  Traffic restrictions in certain areas and on specific roads will be put in place as is the last session during this year‘s CIIE。收藏 However,第届答请 the area requiring special permits for entry near the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai) will be smaller than last year。进博 For detailed information,通出 please refer to the Announcements released by the Shanghai Public Security Bureau。行问 




  If I‘m driving myself, where can I park? 

  Due to the large crowds expected at CIIE, we encourage attendees to use public transportation。 For those who must drive, limited temporary parking lots are available around the NECC (Shanghai) and can be reserved in advance。 Additionally, parking lots in the core area of the Hongqiao Business District will be shared for use。 For the latest information on parking availability and reservation procedures, please check “Shanghai Parking” app and its official WeChat/Alipay mini-programs, as well as the “Sui Shen Xing” app。




  With so many parking lots, which one should I choose?

  During the CIIE, for temporary parking lots located farther from the NECC (Shanghai) , shuttle buses are provided to the P5 parking lot, allowing for quick access to the exhibition halls via the second-floor walkway on the east side of the NECC (Shanghai) 。 For closer parking lots, you can walk to the exhibition halls。 You can select a parking lot based on your destination。 For example, P15 parking lot on the north side is recommended for visitors going to Hall 2 and 3; P7 parking lot on the east side is recommended for visitors to Hall 1 and 8; P4 parking lot on the south side is recommended for visitors to Hall 6 and 7; P3 and P18 parking lots on the west side are recommended for visitors to Hall 4 and 5。




  I won‘t have my license plate number until right before the CIIE。 Will I be able to reserve a parking spot by that time? 

  For attendees‘ convenience of reservation, the rules have been optimized this year。 Parking spaces outside the restricted area can be reserved 1 hour in advance online to offer both convenience and peace of mind。 However, to ensure an available parking spot, it is recommended that you make your reservation at least one day in advance。




  If I‘m taking a taxi or ride-hailing car, where can I be dropped off? 

  During the CIIE, P1, P6 (before 12:00 PM daily), P8, P15 parking lots, and parking lot at 1535 Huaxiang Road near the NECC (Shanghai) have been designated as drop-off points for taxis and ride-hailing vehicles to “stop and go”。 Please note that these five locations are for drop-offs only, not pick-ups。




  If I need to take a taxi to leave, where can I find one? 

  During the CIIE, from 1:00 PM to 8:00 PM daily, taxis of sufficient number will be available at P6 parking lot on the east side of the NECC (Shanghai) 。 You can go there and line up to take a taxi。




  If I‘m taking public transportation to the NECC (Shanghai) , what are my options? 

  Metro Lines 2 and 17 go directly to the National Exhibition and Convention Center station。 You can transfer to them from other metro lines。 No.71 bus route will be extended to P5 parking lot near the NECC (Shanghai) during the CIIE。




  If I‘m taking public transportation to leave the NECC (Shanghai) , what are my options? 

  You can take Metro Lines 2 or 17 to leave the NECC (Shanghai) 。 You can also go to the P5 parking lot and take the extended No.71 bus route or a metro shuttle bus。




  I‘m staying at a nearby hotel where no metro station are found nearby。 Are there any other convenient transportation options?

  This year‘s CIIE will launch shuttle buses connecting the NECC (Shanghai) to hotels in the directions of Beidi, Zhudi, Xujing, and Jiuting。 Please stay tuned for more details and consider booking a room at one of these hotels。




  We are a group。 Where can we rent a bus after arriving in Shanghai?

  To provide safe, convenient, and comfortable transportation services for the 7th CIIE, relevant departments have compiled a list of interprovincial passenger transportation companies with rich experience and excellent service quality。 If you need to rent a bus, please contact the companies listed in the attached document。




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